Supreme Dignity

The cultural healing that we need is best accomplished by bringing dignity, respect or loving attention to the self. Often, the self is considered last on the to-do list. As a modern culture, we find a multitude of ways to glamorize overworking. The absence of sleep, a good diet, exercise, relaxation and time with our friends and family is compromised, and too many people applaud productivity over the care of the gentle and important self. We’ve become hypnotized by the glimmers of wealth, success and the new age belief that abundance is a destination to get to rather than experience.

All this needs to change in order to have supreme dignity. Webster’s dictionary states that dignity is anything bearing conduct and speech indicative of self-respect; a nobility or elevation of character; worthiness. And for many, these words sound like just—words. So I get it. This kind of speech may seem foreign or, resonate with shame, guilt or resentment for not making more time for ourselves/others. I want to invite you, in this moment, to take a deep inhale, and exhale any feeling or thought that denies you of that self-respect and worthiness. You, just for being alive, is worthy, and worthy of self-love.

So what is self-love? It is an ACTION. That’s right, it is not a static feeling that lumps into the chest or heart and sits there when we announce we “love ourselves.” It is small good choices. It is any action we take daily, or when we remember, to bring care, attention, awareness and rejuvenation to the self. Over time, this conduct, creates more loving speech toward the self, self-respect, and supreme dignity emerges.

People say they don’t know what self-love means. Well, that’s because it is not an idea or something to think about. It is something to experience and it takes practice. Supreme dignity doesn’t happen overnight. In time, it transforms into second nature, a ritual if you will, of nobility and elevation of who we really are underneath all the stress. The month of August is a perfect time to contemplate or meditate on this. August is actually an adjective, to inspire reverence or admiration; of supreme dignity; majestic. And while we don’t need an invitation or special month to celebrate the self, perhaps we need reminding that our bodies are where we feel wealth, love, joy, abundance and belonging.

A sense of belonging is in the present moment. It does not exist in the past, nor in tomorrow or another location. Supreme dignity is available right here, right now, inside of you and in this precious body. So go ahead, take whatever it is that nourishes your soul and spend time with that, plant the seeds inwardly with mindfulness and compassion. Tend to the self beautifully. For the question is not the future of humanity, the question is the presence of eternity through the practice of self-love. To cultivate supreme dignity allows us to spread the seeds of love wherever we are.


The Gift of Self-Compassion


Avoiding the Holiday Blues